Flexible LED tape can be cut to length in store (cut to the nearest meter) where you will have options of:
12V or 24V
Cool White, Warm White, CCT and RGB
IP20 and IP65
4.8W, 7.2W, 9.6W and 12W (Dependant on Colour choice)
We stock a full range of LED Drivers and will assist you in calculation of your requirements, for example: 3Meters of 4.8W per meter LED tape would require a driver of minimum 15W.
LED tape can be cut for purpose at approximately 3inch intervals as denoted by the pair of Copper tabs and Scissor line shown in the below image. Once cut it is possible to extend and join to meet your requirement.
It should be noted that LED Tapes have a maximum run length dependant on the tape specification but generally no more than 10M for single colour or 5M for RGB. If you require a longer length you should run a parallel power cable back to the driver for the second (and nth) section of the tape.